Enduimet: Why no-one visits and why you should

The “boring” part: Enduimet is a Wildlife Management Area – not a National park.

The exciting part: Off-roading, Breath-taking views on Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru & Longido, walking/mountain bike safaris.

It is true that the wildlife density is not as high as in Tarangire National Park or Serengeti. But the sense of freedom and the landscape is unbeatable. Although the terms “authentic & off the beaten track” are grossly overused in travel; and usually only by someone who wants to prove how special THEY are – not so much the place they visited. It is hard to think of a different label for this area. 

So why does no-one visit?

Unknown means unloved. Not many people have heard of this area – so not many people visit – so not many people have heard of this area. Most people go on a safari once in their life, they want to make sure they see the highlights. Although lions have recently been spotted again in the area – you should not count on seeing them during your visit. The last reason is becoming more and more invalid: the permits were a real hassle.

Why should you visit Enduimet?

The area’s tagline is very well chosen: “Freedom to Explore”. Park regulations in the national parks are there for a good reason and should always be followed: so no off-roading. In Enduimet these rules do not apply. Do you want to see that Giraffe from another angle? Just drive around. Curious about what is behind that bush? You can just have a look. Also on offer are walking and mountain bike safaris – so you really can get out of the car and explore the African wilderness in a way you can’t in National Parks. 

Although you will (most likely) not run into any of the big cats: there is some special wildlife to be found: If you are lucky you will be able to find the Gerenuk: a rare antelope with a long neck – also known as a giraffe antelope. You might also be able to find the impressive Kudu’s – with their pretty stripes and impressive horns. Common sightings are that of Giraffe, Elephant, Wildebeest, Imala, Grant & Thompson, and Zebra. There is also a lot of interesting birdlife to be found.

Highlights in Enduimet

As with all safaris: You have to have a little bit of luck and clear skies, but the views on the Kilimanjaro are unparalleled. You can at the same time admire Mount Meru and Longido. Nowhere else on the Northern Circuit will you find this wildlife without ‘crowds”.

Wildlife-wise this is one of the few places in Northern Tanzania where you have good chances of spotting Generuk. Also possible to find are the elusive Kudus.

Another interesting thing about the area is you can make small stop-overs at some cultural sights: a traditional waterhole built by Maasai & a meerschaum rock mine left by the Germans. Meerschaum is a mineral used for pipes – and only found in Turkey and here in Tanzania. The sights are not documented or very interesting on a stand-alone basis: but they make nice stopovers to stretch your legs. 

In short: Enduimet offers things you will not find anywhere else in Northern Tanzania & will make for a very memorable addition to your classic safari trip. 

*Although ownership & investment procedures are usually not top of mind when discussing safari experiences – the WMA structure is actually a clever long-term answer to how conservation can benefit communities. Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) are areas of communal land set aside exclusively as habitat for wildlife by member villages. For anyone interested in the intricacies/challenges of this structure: there is a USAID report from 2013 discussing the ins and outs.

Typical Enduimet vieuw
Masaai cattle
Meru at Sunrise
Impala near meerschaum mine
Running Ostrich on the Enduimet plains
Vieuw on Kilimanjaro
Elephant in the Enduimet bushlands
Masaai herder


Enduimet WMA

Dusty Wheels Travel

Sense of Adventure

Overall Rating

A must-visit for someone looking for a unique experience in the Northern Circuit


As always this rating is complexly subjective and only based only on my personal opinion and experience.

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