About Us

Having dealt with everything from washed away roads, power outages, crazy foods, and their complementary crazy stomach flues, a wide range of cultural mess-ups and language barriers the size of the Kilimanjaro: we figured we were quite ready for a new life in Tanzania. We thought that having spent 8 years living in Cambodia and extensively traveling the South East Asia region: we were ready for whatever Africa had to throw our way.

Boy…. were we wrong! Tanzania has some surprises in store for us. But with that also came amazing discoveries.

It is impossible to not lose your heart when driving though the every changing landscape of Tanzania.  From the dry golden or lush green plains to the mountains landscapes of the Usambaras: devastatingly beautiful landscapes just seem to be a given here. Life simply doesn’t look the same once you spend an hour or two with an elephant family.

One of the best things we have learned from our host country Tanzania is what we have come to refer to as: “The bush code”. The bush code simply means: when on the road always help other travelers. This lesson really sank in while stranded just on the outskirts of a National Park with a broken down Landrover Discovery.  While the sun was setting over a passing herd of zebra’s, out of nowhere a car pulled over. Luckily for us, this car miraculously held a mechanic. A stick, $1,5 worth of epoxy, and a helpful Maasai with some water later, we were back on the road! 

One of the saddest things we have learned is: it is so hard to travel in Tanzania!

Most tourists get picked up at the airport and whisked away into the Northern Parks, and then fly straight to Zanzibar after their safari. Soon we learned why: It is hard & expensive to be an independent traveler in Tanzania. Transport is pricey; information is difficult to get and everything is catered to the pre-booked cookie-cutter tours! 

Upholding our part of the bush code: we want to share some of the fantastic things Tanzania has to offer to travelers. Yes, safaris are amazing – but there is a whole world out there! With practical tips and some local know-how, we share our do’s and don’ts and help more people discover Tanzania. 

Inge has turned her hobby in her profession and is working as a safari expert for Shadows of Africa, a bespoke tour operator organizing safaris in Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda & Ethiopia. If you are looking to make your own Africa trip: click here. And learn how you can get all this expert advice on your side.